Tony Bradley is an information security and unified communications expert with more than a decade of enterprise IT experience.
I will be interested to take a look at RockMelt when an actual product becomes available, but even if RockMelt can achieve success in the browser market, I think it will find that winning a war to give away the most free software is a hollow victory. The ability to integrate social networking alone does not seem to be a compelling reason to invest in building a web browser or a justification for users to make the switch to it. There is already a niche browser called Flock which incorporates aspects of social networking. There are reports that RockMelt will be optimized for or integrated with Facebook in some way, making it into a social networking browser. Perhaps Andreessen is happy to simply back anything that can chip away at Internet Explorer’s market share?
Then Microsoft created Internet Explorer and embedded it with the Windows operating system which catapulted it to the top of the browser charts relatively quickly. The software had the market to itself and probably a strategy to begin monetizing the product and generating income at some point. When Andreessen launched Netscape it was the only kid on the block. Why would a startup want to invest time and money building a new browser to give away for free? Andreessen may have some pent-up hostility toward the current market leader, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. No matter what browser you choose you can still visit all of the web sites just fine.
It’s not like the operating system battle where the decision to go with Windows, or Linux, or Mac OS X has a drastic effect on the tools and applications you can use. Blu-Ray battle, where selecting one technology over another determined which movies you might be able to rent or purchase. Sirius Radio where choosing one or the other defines what stations you receive. Aside from picking the bells and whistles you prefer and developing a comfort level with the UI (user interface) and conventions of one browser over another, it really just doesn’t matter which browser you use. Each has its pros and cons and they play technological leap frog with each other in terms of developing new features, but at the core a browser is a browser. What do they all have in common? Well, they actually have much in common, but one of the most glaring similarities is that they’re all free. There are also other browsers such as Opera, Apple’s Safari, and Google’s Chrome crowding the mainstream browser market. It has steadily eaten away at Internet Explorer’s market share and recently surpassed 1 billion total downloads. Firefox, the phoenix from Netscape’s ashes has emerged as the strongest challenger. These issues have led many to revolt and seek alternative web browsers. Microsoft has had its issues with security and with complying with Web and Internet standards with Internet Explorer. It sounds like a daunting undertaking which leads me to wonder- why? If RockMelt ends up being the greatest web browser ever built and is victorious in the browser market share war, what exactly does it win? The idea, supposedly, is to build a new browser from the ground up rather than just re-engineering the existing browser engine model. Little is known about RockMelt at this point aside from rumor and innuendo. And with HTML5, the social networking sites have nearly everything they need to enhance the browsing experience, at least for the moment.Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape, is reportedly backing a startup called RockMelt that is throwing its hat into the increasingly crowded ring of the browser wars. It’s not our job to find innovative ways of accessing them. However, it’s up to the social networking sites to find innovative ways of using our browsers. Yes, social networking is the way of the future. Enhancing the “window”, or building-in “innovative new features” to the window is actually annoying. It’s a really basic thing, and the best Web browsers are those that are fast and out of the way, like Google Chrome–which has been rewarded by a massive boost in popularity. Here’s the deal: A Web browser is just a window onto the Internet. Sure, these two services are popular, but the history of the Internet has been one of giants toppling when something better comes along. Its makers are pinning its hopes on the whole concept of social networking as it exists at this very moment (e.g., sharing interesting stuff), and it’s also banking on the future success of Facebook and Twitter. This is the fundamental failing with RockMelt (which I want to call “RockSalt”).